Strategically located amidst native forest and on the banks of a “corixo” (the floated area), the Aymara Lodge is a wildlife refuge. During your stay and on tours around the region, you can find species such as Tuiuiús, Spoonbills, various types of Herons, Hawks, Owls, Parrots, and mammals such as the Pantanal Deer, Tapir, Tamanduá Bandeira, Mato Dog, Ocelot, Monkeys, Capybaras, Coatis, Otters and, with a little more luck, even pumas and jaguars! Here at Aymara we also have hideouts where we wait in silence for animals that come to drink water or eat some seasonal fruit – a great opportunity for the patient photographer!
But let's not forget that several of these animals are often seen walking between the inn's apartments, so it's necessary to take some time to rest since the balcony hammock can also be seen monkeys, lobets, coatis, agouti, giant otters, curassows, parrots, macaws Blues and many others!